
Hi šŸ‘‹, I'm Mark

A software engineer from London

Four years ago, I first downloaded Python and VS Code to write a simple webscraper for an online dictionary. I found such satisfaction in seeing the HTML element text printed in my Terminal window that I felt driven to keep exploring the world of software, investigating new technologies, and seeing how I can apply them to existing problems.

Since then, I have explored coding, data science, data engineering, machine learning, and software development through my own projects, internships, the Le Wagon Web Development bootcamp, and working as a software engineer at Capco.

In this time I have learnt three things:

  • I love the unique intellectual challenges posed by working in the world of software, with all of its breadth, technical complexity, and pace of innovation
  • I appreciate the importance of technology and tech literacy, as it is all around us (often without us noticing!)
  • I want to dedicate my career to building software and contribute to the changes that are shaping society today

Take a look at my projects and my GitHub Pages blog. Connect with me on LinkedIn. Reach out to me at m.decourcyling@gmail.com if you want to discuss anything or work together (especially if it involves natural language processing, machine translation or language learning).

In the meantime, Iā€™m currently working on data engineering and machine learning, polishing my SQL skills and improving my cloud skills by learning Azure.

When Iā€™m away from my computer Iā€™m usually keeping up my foreign language skills, reading about history or at my local sports club.